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Fusion Bodyart Rainbowcake Unicorn Party 50gr
€ 11.50

Fusion Body Art has some beautiful combo’s designed by Jest Paint, and Rainbow Joy is one that you will definitely want to have in your kit.

You will earn 1 Loyalty Point for purchasing this product.
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Secure payment with Sofort Banking-Paypal-Mister-Cash-CreditCard.

✔️ High Customers Service (rating 9,5 kiyoh)

Fusion Bodyart Rainbowcake Unicorn Party 50gr

Simply load a paint sponge with some or all of the colours in this cake by moving the sponge from side to side, and then tapping the colours just where you want them. You can create amazingly colourful designs with just one cake! Take care using just enough water to activate and load your sponge to get a clean impression. You can also use these larger rainbow cakes for 1 stroke painting if you load up just a few of the colours at a time with a 1” or smaller flat brush. Once you have the colours that you want loaded you can paint flowers, snakes, butterflies, dragons and so much more! 

Fusion Body Art Face Paint is fast and easy to apply with a wet paint brush or sponge. Fusion Face Paints can be easily removed with soap and water loaded onto a soft cloth or sponge. Fusion Body Art Face paint colours contain only high-quality FDA and EU compliant skin safe pigments and ingredients that are gentle on the skin. Each colour has been carefully developed to give you the brightest and most opaque colors for your makeup designs. Fusion Body Art Face Paints dry quickly, and once dry have a smudge resistant finish. You can layer colours on top of each other once the base colour is dry, and you can blend Fusion Body Art Face Paints while they are still wet to make endless beautiful shades.